SuppsCheck allows athletes and consumers to browse supplements by evidence not marketing claims.
A - Worth your money. Safe, effective & verified.
B - Worth your money. Might have less evidence, and weaker effects.
C - SuppsCheck believes that this won't work, and if it does, it won't outperform placebo. Better, easier to access options, like dietary sources, are preferred. There might be some limited studies that signal benefits but nothing substantial.
SuppsCheck Superior Brand
Buying from this brand is highly likely to be safe, the label is highly likely to be accurate and the product is more likely to be effective. The brand uses high quality ingredients.
SuppsCheck Superior Product
Buying this product almost always guarantees that the product is safe, the label is accurate and product effectiveness is proven.
SuppsCheck Athletes
In addition to all of the above, the product has been tested for WADA anti-doping substances (over 280 ingredients). Label accuracy and active ingredient content has been tested. Guaranteed by NSF.
Top Athlete Pick
The superior products for athletes for each ingredient as determined by our buyer's guide. The supplements we personally take and recommend to athletes.
Top Consumer Pick
The best available products for consumers for each ingredient as determined by our buyer's guide. SuppsCheck may recommend multiple products for one ingredient if they are sourced from the same raw ingredient supplier and also from SuppsCheck Superior brands.